Table of Contents

A. "Time Entries" Report

B. "Time Sheets" Report

A. "Time Entries" Report

1. Click the "Reports" menu.

2. Select the "Time Entries" report.

3. Select the start and end dates of the period you want displayed.

4. Select the preview format: PDF or HTML. -->

5. Click "Save."

Notes : 

  • You have the following options:

    • Select the human resource(s) 
    • Select one or more clients
    • Group by date


Examples :

1. If you leave the "Human Resources" and "Clients" fields empty and box "Group by date" isn't checked, the time entries will be displayed by date.


2. If you select a human resource and a client, only the time entries pertaining to both the human resource and the client will be displayed.


3. If you check the "Group by date" box, the time entries will be displayed on a new page for each of the dates selected in the interval.


B. Rapport « Time sheets »

1. Click the "Reports" menu.

2. Select the "Time Sheets" report.

3. Select the start and end dates of the period you want displayed.

4. Select the preview format: PDF or HTML.

5. Click « Run Report -> ».

Note : You have the option of grouping time entries by client or by human resource.


Examples :

1. If you leave the "Group by" field empty, the time entries will display the week containing the start date.

* Only the start date is taken into account, so if you select from June 13 to 18, 2017, the report will display the time entries of the week of June 11, 2017, only.


2. If you select "Client " in the "Group by" field, the time entries will be displayed by client.

* One client per page.


3. If you select "Human Resource" in the "Group by" field, the time entries will be displayed by human resource.

* One human resource per page.
