Several modes of operation can be used, including:

Name of mode
Create where?
Action to perform at the end of the process
Create order
InAcomba as an order
The order is updated in Acomba so it needs to be transformed into an invoice.
Create invoice
In Acomba as an invoice
The invoice is automatically created in Acomba.
Order- Order
In Progressionas a task of the desired type
The order is updated in Acomba so it needs to be transformed into an invoice.
Order- Invoice
In Progressionas a task of the desired type
The invoice is automatically created in Acomba.

Importing and updating Acomba orders

Youcan import an Acomba order with the Import Order(s) button in the Tasks menu - List mode or Distribution mode.


gives the popup below

The task(s) is (are) then created in Progression. You can see the information in the task’s Acomba tab.

The second button is used to update the order in Acomba before the end of the process, if desired.

Transferringorders or invoices to Acomba

In your task progression process, one of the steps (e.g."To invoice in Acomba") allows the task to be transferred to Acomba. When the task is successfully transferred, its status changes to (for example) "Invoiced in Acomba."

You can see the information in the task’s Acomba tab.