The goal is to create a task, dispatch it to a mobile device, complete it and see the result on the web interface.

1. Login

2. Create task.

3. Assign a task.

4. Dispatch a task.

5. View task on a mobile device..

6. Complete task on a mobile device..

7. View the completed task on web interface.

1. Login

Pour voir la vidéo :

  1. Open your Internet browser (preferably Google Chrome).
  2. Go to the web address provided by your in-house ProgressionLIVE administrator.
  3. Enter the login information provided by your in-house ProgressionLIVE administrator.
  4. Click on "Submit."

2. Create task

  1. Click on "Tasks."
  2. The first button on the left allows you to choose an interface mode. You can choose between "Mode: List" or "Mode: Dispatch."
  3. In the chosen interface (list or dispatch), click on "Create Task."
  4. Select the desired type of task and fill in the required fields. Fields in bold are mandatory (if applicable).
  5. Click on "Save" to save your task.

3. Assign a Task

Assigning a task consists in associating a human resource with a task.

You can assign a task in three different ways:

  1. When creating a task, choose the name of a human resource.
  2. Open an existing task and select the human resource you want to assign to it. Then save.
  3. In the "Mode: Dispatch" screen, click on a number in the summary view. Then, in the detailed view, select a task and drag it over the name of the selected human resource located in the left panel.

4. Dispatch a Task

Dispatching a task consists in sending it to the mobile device of the human resource associated with the task.

There are several ways to dispatch a task:

  • Open the task and click on "Save" and "Dispatch." This step can also be performed when the task is created by choosing the name of a human resource and clicking on "Save" and "Dispatch."
  • Open the task and choose the "Dispatch" status and click on "Change Status." Answer "Yes" to the question.
  • In the "Mode: List" screen, select the task and do one of the two following procedures:
  1. Choose the "Change Status" submenu and then the "Dispatch" status.
  2. Click the right mouse button. Choose the "Change Status" submenu and then the "Dispatch" status.

A window will appear as a result of either of these procedures. Leave the field blank if you want to retain the assigned human resource or assign another. Click on "OK"

  • In the "Mode: Dispatch" screen, click on a number in the summary view. Then, in the detailed view, select the task and follow one of the three following procedures:
  1. Click the right mouse button. Choose the submenu "Dispatch Selected Tasks".
  2. Click on "Dispatch" at the top. Choose the submenu "Selected".

A window will appear in either of these procedures. Leave the field blank if you want to retain the assigned human resource or assign another. Click on "OK."

  3. Drag the task over the name of a human resource located in the left panel (option "Automatic Dispatch on Drag/Drop" must be checked in the "Options" menu).

5 and 6. View and Complete a Task on a Mobile Device

For Android, see the appropriate sections. Perform step 1 (Connect), choose the "Tasks" menu, click the task you just dispatched. Advance your task to the "Completed" status or other term used in your configuration (e.g. "Sold").

For  iPhone, see the following section for Step 1 (Connect). Then, view the appropriate sections here. Advance your task to the "Completed" status or other term used in your configuration (e.g. "Sold").

7. View the completed task on the web interface

There are two ways to view a completed task:

  • In the "Mode: List" interface, the task at the top of the list should be the one you just completed (unless you have changed the sort order of your list). You can open the task and view it.
  • In the "Mode: Dispatch" interface, in the summary view, click on the number in the "Completed" column on the line corresponding to the type of task you have chosen. Your task will appear at the bottom of the detailed view list. You can open it and view it.