These are the steps for Cash Receipt Journal in CourrierPRO.

After you have done Cash Receipt entries, you can print the Cash Receipt journal and Deposit slip.

You MUST have a different deposit number for each physical deposit you make.

Then, you have 2 possibilities. You can print a journal and close it for each deposit  and have the G/L entry summary by deposit or you can just change the deposit number and wait at the end of the month to have only a monthly journal and one entry for G/L.

If you need to have one G/L entry by deposit, the closing option will have to be done at each deposit.

Cash Receipt journal printing

Go to Module > Invoicing, A/R and Analysis > Reports > Cash Recipt journal

1) If you have multiple company, choose the company to print the journals.

2) By default, only the cash receipt journal is printed. You can also choose to print the deposit slip for the bank, then you will not have to fill up anymore the manual deposit slip.

3) By default, there is no deposit number to enter to see all deposit  not closed. But you can specify deposit numbers if you want to see a journal for specific deposit numbers. We suggest not to enter any deposit numbers to be sure that all journals will be displayed and printed.

4) By default, there is no payment dates to enter to see all deposit  not closed. But you can specify payment dates  if you want to see a journal for specific payment dates. We suggest not to enter any payment dates to be sure that all journals will be displayed and printed.

5) By default, the program will print the journal by customer number. But you can select to print it by entry sequence (if you need to verify tour entries) or by payment date.

6) By default, the journal will be printed on screen. You can select to print it directly on printer if you want.

7) Press the OK button to start the process.


Journal closing and G/L update or Change deposit number

The journal closing can be done at each deposit and MUST be done at least each month. If you have Acomba, we can generate an automatic entry to your accounting software.

If you want to reprint the journal after the closing it will be possible for 7 years by going to Module > Invoicing, A/R and Analysis > Reports > Cash Recipt journal History

Go to Module > Invoicing, A/R and Analysis > Reports > Sales journal

1) If you have multiple company, choose the company to close the journal.

2) Click on Date of deposit option to close the journal. The today's date shill be displayed by default and can be changed if you want.

By default, there is no deposit number to enter to close all deposit  not closed. But you can specify deposit numbers if you want to close a journal for specific deposit numbers. We suggest not to enter any deposit numbers to be sure that all journals will be closed.

3) If you have selected to close the journal, this option will be done automatically. If not you can click on Change of deposit number to only change the deposit number without closing the journal.

Next deposit number will be automatically displayed and can be changed. You cannot use a previous deposit number.

4) Click on OK button to start the closing process.